Suite DesignΒΆ
TODO: Talk about the available variables somewhere (exp_code_dir, exp_host_list)
The base_experiment consists of all the configuration options. All configuration options that vary between runs (i.e., the factors of the experiment) are marked with the placeholder $FACTOR$. The remaining configuration options are filled with a constant. See the example [example03-format.yml](demo_project/doe-suite-config/designs/example03-format.yml) design to see the three different options of expressing factors.
The 2(+1) different formats are: - the cross format which is the concise form for a cross product of all factors - the level-list format which allows to specify a list with a concrete level for each factor (i.e., not full cross-product) - a mix between cross and level-list format that combines the advantages of both formats.
The cross format uses the keyword $FACTOR$ as a YAML key, while the factor list uses $FACTOR$ as a YAML value and expects a corresponding level in the factor_levels list.
When we use the level-list format or the mixed format, then we have the factor_levels that specify the levels that the factors take in a particular experiment run. For example, in the first run of the experiment, the framework replaces the $FACTOR$ placeholder with the first entry values in the factors_levels list.
For each suite design you can optionally configure multiple ETL pipelines to process result files.
The reason for this is that between experiments from different domains, there are a lot of common steps which can be covered by shared implementations For example, experiments may report results in a CSV and hence extracting this CSV file from the results folder structure is a common step. In case an experiment has some unique requirements, a project can define its own extractors, transformers, and loaders.