Source code for helper
# INFO: Should be in sync with: cookiecutter-doe-suite-config/{{cookiecutter.repo_name | default("doe-suite-config") }}/designs/filter_plugins/
import socket
from jinja2.runtime import Undefined
[docs]def to_ipv4(hostlist, host_type, host_type_idx=0, default=None):
"""Return the IPv4 address of a host derived from the public dns."""
if isinstance(hostlist, Undefined):
if default is not None:
return default
return hostlist # return undefined
hosts = [host for host in hostlist if host['host_type'] == host_type]
assert len(hosts) > host_type_idx, f"to_ipv4: host_type_idx out of range: {host_type_idx=}, {len(hosts)=}"
return socket.gethostbyname(hosts[host_type_idx]['public_dns_name'])
[docs]def to_public_dns_name(hostlist, host_type, host_type_idx=0, default=None):
"""Return the public DNS name of a host."""
if isinstance(hostlist, Undefined):
if default is not None:
return default
return hostlist
hosts = [host for host in hostlist if host['host_type'] == host_type]
assert len(hosts) > host_type_idx, f"to_public_dns_name: host_type_idx out of range: {host_type_idx=}, {len(hosts)=}"
return hosts[host_type_idx]['public_dns_name']
[docs]def to_private_dns_name(hostlist, host_type, host_type_idx=0, default=None):
"""Return the private DNS name of a host."""
if isinstance(hostlist, Undefined):
if default is not None:
return default
return hostlist
hosts = [host for host in hostlist if host['host_type'] == host_type]
assert len(hosts) > host_type_idx, f"to_private_dns_name: host_type_idx out of range: {host_type_idx=}, {len(hosts)=}"
return hosts[host_type_idx]['private_dns_name']
[docs]def at_runtime(var, exp_host_lst, host_type=None, host_type_idx=0):
"""Access runtime value of a variable."""
if isinstance(exp_host_lst, Undefined):
return f"<{var}@runtime>"
elif host_type is not None:
hosts = [host for host in exp_host_lst if host['host_type'] == host_type]
assert len(hosts) > host_type_idx, f"at_runtime: host_type_idx out of range: {host_type_idx=}, {len(hosts)=}"
return hosts[host_type_idx]['hostvars'][var]
# need to guarantee that all hosts have the variable set to the same value
vars = [host['hostvars'].get(var, Undefined(name=var)) for host in exp_host_lst]
assert len(set(vars)) == 1, f"at_runtime: all hosts must have the same value for the variable {var=}, {set(vars)=}"
return vars[0]
class FilterModule(object):
''' jinja2 filters '''
def filters(self):
return {
'to_public_dns_name': to_public_dns_name,
'to_private_dns_name': to_private_dns_name,
'to_ipv4': to_ipv4,
'at_runtime': at_runtime,