Experiment Design

pydantic model doespy.design.exp_design.Suite[source]

A suite is a collection of experiments, denoted as <EXP1>, <EXP2>, etc. Each experiment has its own set of config variables. It is also possible to define variables that are shared by all experiments in the suite, referred to as SUITE_VARS. In addition to the experiments, a suite can also define an ETL (extract, transform, load) pipeline, which outlines the steps for processing the resulting files.

field $SUITE_VARS$: SuiteVarsConfigDict = {}

Shared variables belonging to every experiment of the suite.

field <EXP1>: Experiment [Required]

A suite needs to contain at least one experiment. Choose a descriptive experiment name for the placeholder <EXP1>.

field <EXP2>: Optional[Experiment] = None

Further experiments are optional. Choose a descriptive experiment name for the placeholder <EXP2>, <EXP3>, etc.

field $ETL$: Dict[str, ETLPipeline] = {}

ETL Pipeline to process the result files.

pydantic model doespy.design.exp_design.SuiteVarsConfigDict[source]
validator include_vars  »  all fields

At any depth of the config dict, we can include variables from another file.

$INCLUDE_VARS$: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]

Where str corresponds to the file name, e.g., test.yml, in doe-suite-config/designs/design_vars

All the variables in the external file, are included at the level of where $INCLUDE_VARS$ is located. If a variable is already present, then the variable is skipped.

  • all fields



pydantic model doespy.design.exp_design.Experiment[source]

An experiment is composed of a set of runs, each with its own unique configuration. The configurations of the runs vary different experiment factors, e.g., number of clients. Additionally, an experiment also specifies the hosts responsible for executing the runs.

field n_repetitions: int = 1

Number of repetitions with the same experiment run configuration.

field common_roles: Union[SetupRoleId, List[SetupRoleId]] = []

Ansible roles executed during the setup of all host types.

field host_types: Dict[HostTypeId, HostType] [Required]

The different :ref`host types<Host Type>` involved in the experiment.

field base_experiment: BaseExperimentConfigDict [Required]

Defines constants and factors of an experiment.

field factor_levels: List[Dict] = [{}]

For the factors of an experiment, lists the different levels. For example, n_clients can be a factor with two levels: 1 and 100.

field except_filters: List[Dict] = []

A list of filters that can be used to exclude certain runs from the experiment.

validator context  »  all fields[source]
  • all fields

validator convert_common_roles  »  common_roles[source]
validator check_factor_levels  »  all fields[source]

The base_experiment defines a set of $FACTOR$s that use the level list syntax. (i.e., $FACTOR$ is value). This validator checks that this set of $FACTOR$s matches each list entry of factor_levels.

  • all fields

validator check_except_filters  »  all fields[source]

Every entry in except_filters must be a subset of the actual factors.

  • all fields

class doespy.design.exp_design.BaseExperimentConfigDict[source]
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'extra': 'allow', 'use_enum_values': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

Host Type

pydantic model doespy.design.exp_design.HostType[source]
field n: int = 1
field check_status: bool = True
field init_roles: Union[SetupRoleId, List[SetupRoleId]] = []
field $CMD$: Union[Cmd, Dict[str, Cmd], List[Cmd], List[Dict[str, Cmd]]] [Required]

enum doespy.design.exp_design.HostTypeId(value)

Name of a host type and corresponds to folder in doe-suite-config/group_vars.

Valid values are as follows:

small = <HostTypeId.small: 'small'>
client = <HostTypeId.client: 'client'>
server = <HostTypeId.server: 'server'>
small_v2 = <HostTypeId.small_v2: 'small_v2'>

enum doespy.design.exp_design.SetupRoleId(value)

Name of an Ansible role to setup a host. The role is located in folder: doe-suite-config/roles.

Valid values are as follows:

setup_small = <SetupRoleId.setup_small: 'setup-small'>
setup_client = <SetupRoleId.setup_client: 'setup-client'>
setup_server = <SetupRoleId.setup_server: 'setup-server'>
setup_common = <SetupRoleId.setup_common: 'setup-common'>

ETL Pipeline

pydantic model doespy.design.etl_design.ETLPipeline[source]
field experiments: ExperimentNames [Required]
field $ETL_VARS$: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None


pydantic model doespy.design.etl_design.ExtractorDesign[source]
field file_regex: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None
class doespy.design.etl_design.ExtractorId

An enumeration.

CsvExtractor = 'CsvExtractor'
ErrorExtractor = 'ErrorExtractor'
IgnoreExtractor = 'IgnoreExtractor'
JsonExtractor = 'JsonExtractor'
YamlExtractor = 'YamlExtractor'


pydantic model doespy.design.etl_design.TransformerDesign[source]


pydantic model doespy.design.etl_design.LoaderDesign[source]
field $INCLUDE_STEPS$: Optional[List[IncludeEtlSource]] = None
field extra: Dict[str, Any] [Required]