Suite Design By Example

In this section we show a series of examples that demonstrate the features for suite designs. The examples start with the minimal suite design and then become more complex.

More information, about the design format and defaults, can be found in Experiment Design.


The suite=example01-minimal shows the minimal suite design with a single experiment on a single host and no ETL pipeline.


# The suite `example01-minimal` contains a single experiment called `minimal`.
# We run this experiment on a single instance `n=1` of host type `small` and we only use a single repetition.
# The experiment consists of four runs, i.e., configurations:
# - echo "hello world."
# - echo "hello world!"
# - echo "hello universe."
# - echo "hello universe!"
# For the experiment configuration, we use the `cross` format:
# The different levels for each factor are listed in `base_experiment` and
# we create the runs by taking a cross product of all factor levels.
# (e.g., [world, universe] x [".", "!"] results in 4 runs)

minimal: # experiment name
  n_repetitions: 1
    small: # one instance of type `small`
      n: 1
      $CMD$: "echo \"[% my_run.arg1 %] [% my_run.arg2 %][% my_run.arg3 %] \"" # command to start experiment run
    arg1: hello # fix parameter between runs (constant)
      $FACTOR$: [world, universe] # varied parameter between runs (factor)
      $FACTOR$: [".", "!"] # varied parameter between runs (factor)

$ETL$: # ensures that stderr.log is empty everywhere and that no files are generated except stdout.log
    experiments: "*"
    extractors: {ErrorExtractor: {}, IgnoreExtractor: {} }
Show Resulting Commands
$ make design suite=example01-minimal
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 123, in <module>
    suite_design, suite_design_ext = main(
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 42, in main
    prj_id = util.get_project_id()
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/", line 24, in get_project_id
    raise ValueError("env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set")
ValueError: env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set
make: *** [Makefile:366: design] Error 1


The suite=example02-single demonstrates that:

  • a suite can consist of multiple experiments that are executed in parallel (here 2 experiments)

  • init_roles in host_type defines an ansible role to install packages etc. on a host

  • a config.json file with the run config is within the working directory of the $CMD$ -> can be used to pass config parameters

  • we can repeat each run configuration multiple times (n_repetitions).

  • an $ETL$ pipeline can automatically process result files (e.g., extract from result structure, transform into a suited df, load a summary)


# Example Goal - Demonstrate that:
#  (1) a suite can consist of multiple experiments that are executed in parallel (here 2 experiments)
#  (2) `init_roles` in host_type defines an ansible role to install packages etc. on a host
#  (3) a `config.json` file with the run config is within the working directory of the `$CMD$`
#     -> can be used to pass config parameters
#  (4) we can repeat each run configuration multiple times (`n_repetitions`).
#  (5) an `$ETL$` pipeline can automatically process result files (e.g., extract from result structure, transform into a suited df, load a summary)
#  (6) we can use the Python range syntax do define $FACTORS$ via jinja
#  (7) some variables can only be known at runtime (e.g., cloud dependent), for these we can use the `at_runtime` filter to read the variable out of `exp_host_lst`

# experiment with two factors: one with 3 levels and one with 2 levels (cross-product). We repeat each run config twice.
  n_repetitions: 2  # (4) each of the 6 run configurations is repeated 2x -> 12 jobs
      n: 1
      init_roles: setup-small
      # runs the python script within the code directory fetched from the code repository: the demo script creates a result file in csv or json
      # (3) passes arguments on the command line
      $CMD$: "[% my_run.python_run %]/demo_project/ --opt [% my_run.opt %] --size [% my_run.payload_size_mb %] --out [% my_run.out %]"
    # (7) Uses the `| at runtime(exp_host_lst)` to access a hostvar (info: at_runtime w/o additional arguments requires that the variable has the same value across all host types)
    python_run: "[% 'demo_project_python' | at_runtime(exp_host_lst) %] [% 'exp_code_dir' | at_runtime(exp_host_lst) %]"
    out: json
      $FACTOR$: [10, 20, 30]
      $FACTOR$: [True, False]

# experiment with one factor, with 3 levels, and three repetitions (each)
  n_repetitions: 3 # (4) each of the 3 run configurations is repeated 3x -> 9 jobs
      n: 1
      init_roles: setup-small
      $CMD$: "[% my_run.python_run %]/demo_project/ --config config.json" # (3) uses the config.json in the working dir of the command with the run config

    python_run: "[% 'demo_project_python' | at_runtime(exp_host_lst) %] [% 'exp_code_dir' | at_runtime(exp_host_lst) %]"
    out: csv
      opt: False
      # (6) Python Range syntax to define factors via jinja (also possible for non-factors)
        $FACTOR$: {{ range(10, 25, 5) | list }}  # [10, 15, 20]
        # other range syntax: {{ range(3) | list }} -> [0, 1, 2]   |   {{ range(1,3) | list }} -> [1,2]  |  {{ range(20, 40, 10) | list }} -> [20, 30]
      other: "{{ range(2) | list }}"

# (5) the suite has two etl pipelines to process results
#      - each pipeline starts with a set of extractors, each produced result file is assigned to exactly one extractor (using a `file_regex`)
#         (e.g., the JsonExtractor default regex matches all files ending with `.json`)
#      - we combine the results from different extractors into a dataframe and transform it with a chain of transformers.
#         (e.g., the RepAggTransformer aggregates over all repetitions of an experiment run and calculates `mean`, `std` etc.)
#      - finally, all loaders are executed on the dataframe resulting from the chain of transformers
    experiments: [experiment_1]
      JsonExtractor: {} # with default file_regex
      ErrorExtractor: {} # if a non-empty file exists matching the default regex -> then we throw an error using the ErrorExtractor
      IgnoreExtractor: {} # since we want that each file is processed by an extractor, we provide the IgnoreExtractor which can be used to ignore certain files. (e.g., stdout)
      - name: RepAggTransformer # aggregate over all repetitions of a run and calc `mean`, `std`, etc.
        data_columns: [latency] # the names of the columns in the dataframe that contain the measurements
      CsvSummaryLoader: {skip_empty: True} # write the transformed detl_info["suite_dir"]ataframe across the whole experiment as a csv file
      DemoLatencyPlotLoader: {} # create a plot based on project-specific plot loader

    experiments: [experiment_2]
    extractors: # with overwritten default file_regex
        file_regex: '.*\.csv$'
        file_regex: '^stderr.log$'
        file_regex: '^stdout.log$'
      # sort values by [run, rep] to ensure the comparison of the test matches
      - df.sort_values: { by: [run, rep], ignore_index: yes }
      CsvSummaryLoader: {skip_empty: True}
Show Resulting Commands
$ make design suite=example02-single
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 123, in <module>
    suite_design, suite_design_ext = main(
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 42, in main
    prj_id = util.get_project_id()
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/", line 24, in get_project_id
    raise ValueError("env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set")
ValueError: env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set
make: *** [Makefile:366: design] Error 1


The suite=example03-format demonstrates the use of the two (three) formats for expressing factors (varying parameters).


# Example Goal - Demonstrate the use of the two (three) formats for expressing factors (varying parameters).
# The  2(+1) different formats:
# - the `cross` format is the concise form for a cross product of all factors
# - the `level-list` format allows to specify a list with a concrete level for each factor (i.e., not full cross-product)
# - a mix between `cross` and `level-list` format that combines the advantages of both formats.
# The `cross` format uses the keyword `$FACTOR$` as a YAML key,
# while the `factor list` uses `$FACTOR$` as a YAML value and expects a corresponding level in the `factor_levels` list.
# The `except_filters` construct can be used to ignore specific combinations of configuration (e.g., the cross product between two factors except a specific combination should be skipped)

# experiment in the pure `cross` format
  n_repetitions: 1 # no repetition
      n: 1
      $CMD$: "echo \"run app=[% %] with vec=[% my_run.vector_size %] seed=[% my_run.seed %]\"" # use echo as example
    seed: 1234 # constant
      $FACTOR$: [10, 20, 30, 40] # varied parameter between runs (factor)
        $FACTOR$: [app1, app2, app3]  # varied parameter between runs (factor)
      # hyperparam: X  -> not used in this experiment
  # we ignore the combination of vector_size 40 with app2 and app3 and only run it with app1
  - vector_size: 40
      name: app2
  - vector_size: 40
      name: app3
  # The experiment `format_cross` results in 10 runs:
  # - {"vector_size": 10, "": app1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 10, "": app2, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 10, "": app3, "seed": 1234}

  # - {"vector_size": 20, "": app1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 20, "": app2, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 20, "": app3, "seed": 1234}

  # - {"vector_size": 30, "": app1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 30, "": app2, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 30, "": app3, "seed": 1234}

  # - {"vector_size": 40, "": app1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 40, "": app2, "seed": 1234} -> Ignored by except_filters
  # - {"vector_size": 40, "": app3, "seed": 1234} -> Ignored by except_filters

# experiment in the pure `level list` format
  n_repetitions: 1 # no repetition
    small: # use one instance
      n: 1
      $CMD$: "echo \"run app=[% %] with hyperparam=[% %] seed=[% my_run.seed %]\"" # use echo as example
    seed: 1234
    # vector_size: X .> not used in this experiment
      name: $FACTOR$        # varied parameter between runs (factor)
      hyperparam: $FACTOR$  # varied parameter between runs (factor)

    - app:
        name: app1
        hyperparam: 0.1
    - app:
        name: app2
        hyperparam: 10
    - app:
        name: app3
        hyperparam: 5
  # The `level-list`format has the advantage that we don't need to create a run for the full cross product of factors.
  #   (e.g., here each app has a specific hyperparam, hence we don't want to run the full cross product because the hyperparam is app specific)
  # The experiment `format_levellist` results in 3 runs:
  # - {"": app1, "app.hyperparam": 0.1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"": app2, "app.hyperparam": 10 , "seed": 1234}
  # - {"": app3, "app.hyperparam": 5 , "seed": 1234}

# experiment in a `mixed` format of `cross`and `level list`format
  n_repetitions: 1 # no repetition
      n: 1
      $CMD$: "echo \"run app=[% %] with hyperparam=[% %] vec=[% my_run.vector_size %] seed=[% my_run.seed %]\"" # use echo as example
    seed: 1234 # constant
      $FACTOR$: [10, 20, 30, 40] # varied parameter between runs (factor)
      name: $FACTOR$        # varied parameter between runs (factor)
      hyperparam: $FACTOR$  # varied parameter between runs (factor)

    - app:
        name: app1
        hyperparam: 0.1
    - app:
        name: app2
        hyperparam: 10
    - app:
        name: app3
        hyperparam: 5
  # we ignore the combination of vector_size 40 with app2 and app3 and only run it with app1
  - vector_size: 40
      name: app2
  - vector_size: 40
      name: app3

  # The mix between `cross`and `level-list` is the most flexible because it allows to define $FACTORS$
  # for which we want to create the cross product (e.g., `vector_size`) and
  # other factors to create the level list (e.g.,, app.hyperparam).
  # In this example, the `hyperparam` is app specific and hence it does not make sense to create a
  # cross product between app name and hyperparam. In the `cross`format this is not possible,
  # while in the `level-list` format we would have to list all 12 runs under `factor_levels`.
  # The experiment `format_mixed` results in 12 runs:
  # - {"vector_size": 10, "": app1, "app.hyperparam": 0.1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 10, "": app2, "app.hyperparam": 10 , "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 10, "": app3, "app.hyperparam": 5  , "seed": 1234}

  # - {"vector_size": 20, "": app1, "app.hyperparam": 0.1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 20, "": app2, "app.hyperparam": 10 , "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 20, "": app3, "app.hyperparam": 5  , "seed": 1234}

  # - {"vector_size": 30, "": app1, "app.hyperparam": 0.1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 30, "": app2, "app.hyperparam": 10 , "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 30, "": app3, "app.hyperparam": 5  , "seed": 1234}

  # - {"vector_size": 40, "": app1, "app.hyperparam": 0.1, "seed": 1234}
  # - {"vector_size": 40, "": app2, "app.hyperparam": 10 , "seed": 1234} -> ignored by except_filters
  # - {"vector_size": 40, "": app3, "app.hyperparam": 5  , "seed": 1234} -> ignored by except_filters

  check_error: # ensures that stderr.log is empty everywhere and that no files are generated except stdout.log
    experiments: "*"
    extractors: {ErrorExtractor: {}, IgnoreExtractor: {} }
Show Resulting Commands
$ make design suite=example03-format
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 123, in <module>
    suite_design, suite_design_ext = main(
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 42, in main
    prj_id = util.get_project_id()
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/", line 24, in get_project_id
    raise ValueError("env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set")
ValueError: env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set
make: *** [Makefile:366: design] Error 1


The suite=example04-multi demonstrates:

  • an experiment involving multiple instances (e.g., client-server)

  • that common_roles lists roles executed on all host_types, while init_roles is a host_type specific role.

  • the use of the variable exp_host_lst in to get the dns name of of other instances (e.g., get dns name of server)

  • the use of check_status, to control when an experiment job is considered to be over. If set to True, then the experiment job waits until the stops. default(True)


# Example Goal - Demonstrate:
#  (1) an experiment involving multiple instances (e.g., client-server)
#  (2) that `common_roles` lists roles executed on all host_types, while `init_roles` is a host_type specific role.
#  (3) the use of the variable `exp_host_lst` in $CMD$ to get the dns name of of other instances (e.g., get dns name of server)
#  (4) the use of `check_status`, to control when an experiment job is considered to be over.
#     If set to `True`, then the experiment job waits until the $CMD$ stops. default(True)

# client server message where each client sends the server a message
  n_repetitions: 3
    - setup-common # (2) role executed on all host types
    client: # (1)
      n: 2
      check_status: True # (4) when each client, sent a message, then the experiment job is complete
      init_roles: setup-client # (2) role executed only on client
        # send messages to the server with nc
        # (3) use exp_host_lst variable to extract ip address from server, the delay `sleep 5` ensures that the server is running when the client sends the message
        # to_private_dns_name is a custom filter function defined in designs/filter_plugins
        - sleep 5 && echo '[% my_run.host_vars.client.msg %] from client 1 ([% %])' | netcat -q 1 [% exp_host_lst | to_private_dns_name('server') | default('<UNDEFINED-DNS>') %] [% my_run.port %]
        # have two commands to distinguish messages from client 1 and 2
        - sleep 5 && echo '[% my_run.host_vars.client.msg %] from client 2 ([% %])' | netcat -q 1 [% exp_host_lst | to_private_dns_name('server') | default('<UNDEFINED-DNS>') %] [% my_run.port %]

    server: # (1)
      n: 1
      check_status: False # (4) the server does not stop (does not know when the experiment job is over)
      init_roles: setup-server # (2) role executed only on server
      # run a single ncat server -> writes all incoming messages to stdout
      $CMD$: ncat -l [% my_run.port %] --keep-open

    port: 2807
    info: $FACTOR$
        msg: $FACTOR$
        greeting: ignore

    - info: run 0
          msg: hello server
    - info: run 1
          msg: hi server
    - info: run 2
          msg:  good day server

  check_error: # ensures that stderr.log is empty everywhere and that no files are generated except stdout.log
    experiments: "*"
    extractors: {ErrorExtractor: {}, IgnoreExtractor: {} }
Show Resulting Commands
$ make design suite=example04-multi
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 123, in <module>
    suite_design, suite_design_ext = main(
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 42, in main
    prj_id = util.get_project_id()
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/", line 24, in get_project_id
    raise ValueError("env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set")
ValueError: env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set
make: *** [Makefile:366: design] Error 1


The suite=example05-complex shows complex experiments with:

  • a mix of formats

  • multiple experiments

  • running different commands on different instances


# Goal: Show complex experiments: mix of formats, multiple experiments, running different commands on different instances

# Example Goal - Show a more complex set of experiments that demonstrates:
#  (1) a mix of single instance experiments and multi instance experiments
#  (2) a mix of design formats (`cross`and `level-list`)
#  (3) running different commands on different instances of the same host_type
#  (4) running a main command and one or more background commands on the same host
#  (5) write a results file (csv)

# Suite with 3 experiments:
# - exp1: experiment on single instance
# - exp2: experiment on multiple instances (client server)
# - exp3: experiment on multiple instances

# experiment on a single instance that writes an output file
  n_repetitions: 2
    - setup-common
      n: 1
      init_roles: setup-small
      $CMD$: "echo \"[% %];[% my_run.seed %];[% my_run.opt%]\" >> results/out.csv" # (4) write to output file

    info: $FACTOR$
    seed: 1234
    opt: $FACTOR$

    - info: run1 - with optimization
      opt: True
    - info: run2 - without optimization
      opt: False

# client server experiment (clients send msg to server)
  n_repetitions: 3
    - setup-common
      n: 3
      $CMD$: # (3) run a different command on each client instance -> at the moment can only run one command (main) per instance, later support will be added for multiple commands per instance (e.g., run some monitoring service)
        # send messages to the server with nc
        # use exp_host_lst variable to extract ip address from server, the delay `sleep 5` ensures that the server is running when the client sends the message
        - main: sleep 5 && echo '[% my_run.host_vars.client.msg %] from client 1' | netcat -q 1 [% my_run.server_dns %] [% my_run.port %]
        # have three commands to distinguish messages from client 1, 2, and 3
        - main: sleep 5 && echo '[% my_run.host_vars.client.msg %] from client 2' | netcat -q 1 [% my_run.server_dns %] [% my_run.port %]
          aux1: echo 'aux1 start' && sleep 3 && echo 'aux1 end'  # (4) Auxiliary cmds run on client 2
          aux2: echo 'aux2 start' && sleep 50 && cat nonexistent.txt #      -> they are bound to the lifetime of the main cmd (i.e., `nonexistent.txt` is accessed -> would raise an error)
        - main: sleep 5 && echo '[% my_run.host_vars.client.msg %] from client 3' | netcat -q 1 [% my_run.server_dns %] [% my_run.port %]

      n: 1
      check_status: False
      init_roles: setup-server
      # run a single ncat server -> writes all incoming messages to stdout
        main: ncat -l [% my_run.port %] --keep-open
        bg1: echo 'bg1 start' && sleep 3 && echo 'bg1 end' # (4) Auxiliary (i.e., background) cmds run on the server
        bg2: echo 'bg2 start' && sleep 600 && cat nonexistent.txt

    server_dns: "[% exp_host_lst | to_private_dns_name('server') | default('<UNDEFINED-DNS>') %]"
    port: 2807
          $FACTOR$: [hello server, hi server, good day server]

# experiment that runs the same command on two instances
  n_repetitions: 2
    - setup-common
      n: 2
      $CMD$: "echo \"[% my_run.prefix %] [% my_run.n_parties %] [% my_run.postfix %]\" "

      $FACTOR$: [100, 200, 300, 500]
    prefix: $FACTOR$
    postfix: $FACTOR$
    - prefix: hi
      postfix: parties
    - prefix: hello
      postfix: people
  # results in 8 runs * 2 reps = 16 jobs
    # - echo hi 100 parties
    # - echo hi 200 parties
    # - echo hi 300 parties
    # - echo hi 500 parties
    # - echo hello 100 people
    # - echo hello 200 people
    # - echo hello 300 people
    # - echo hello 500 people

  check_error: # ensures that stderr.log is empty everywhere and that no files are generated except stdout.log
    experiments: "*"
    extractors: {ErrorExtractor: {}, IgnoreExtractor: {file_regex: ["stdout.log", "out.csv"]} }
Show Resulting Commands
$ make design suite=example05-complex
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 123, in <module>
    suite_design, suite_design_ext = main(
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 42, in main
    prj_id = util.get_project_id()
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/", line 24, in get_project_id
    raise ValueError("env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set")
ValueError: env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set
make: *** [Makefile:366: design] Error 1


The suite=example06-vars demonstrates the re-usability of variables in the design.


# Goal: Show the possibilities of including configuration options from other locations

# Example Goal- Demonstrate
# (1) using $SUITE_VARS$ for defining variable defaults that are included into each `base_experiment` unless a variable is already defined.
#       (contents can be $FACTOR$ or constants and can include references to other run config, see (3))
# (2) using $INCLUDE_VARS to include variable defaults defined in an external file (unless present in $SUITE_VARS$ or in the `base_experiment`)
#       (contents can be $FACTOR$ or constants and can include references to other run config, see (3))
# (3) self referencing other variables of the config. With `[% my_run.X %]` we can reference another variable of the run config.
#       (referenced variables can be $FACTOR$ or constants but CANNOT include references themselves, i.e., no transitive references)

$SUITE_VARS$: # (1) variables that each experiment of the suite has by default (can be overwritten)

  # nested and non-nested variables work
    world: o1

  # suite vars are just defaults, the base_experiments has higher precedence
  existing: o2
  existing_factor: o3

  # defining factors
  define_factor: $FACTOR$
    $FACTOR$: [v1, v2]

  # (3) self referencing
  # with [% my_run. %] you can use other variables from the run config including factors,
  # the only exception is other variables that also use [% %] tags.
  base_arg: "--version [% my_run.define_factor_cross %] --option [% my_run.existing %] abc"

shared_vars: # experiment name
  n_repetitions: 1
    small: # one instance of type `small`
      n: 1
      $CMD$: "echo \"[% my_run.base_arg %] --[% my_run.argument %] --[% my_run.define_factor %] --[% my_run.existing_factor %] \"" # command to start experiment run

    # all variables in $SUITE_VARS$ are part of the base experiment
    # (2) you can further include variables from other files under `does_config/designs/design_vars`
    $INCLUDE_VARS$: test.yml
    # note: $SUITE_VARS$ have higher precedence compared to external $INCLUDE_VARS$

    # Factors coming from the $SUITE_VARS$ (commented out because they are not necessary here)
    # define_factor: $FACTOR$
    # define_factor_cross:
    #    $FACTOR$: [v1, v2]

    # variables defined in the $SUITE_VARS$ can be overwritten in the base experiment (with non-factor and factor)
    existing: overwrite suite_vars default
      $FACTOR$: [1, 2]

    argument: hello [% my_run.design_va_nested.arg1 %] # fix parameter between runs (constant)
  - define_factor: f1
  - define_factor: f2
Show Resulting Commands
$ make design suite=example06-vars
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 123, in <module>
    suite_design, suite_design_ext = main(
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 42, in main
    prj_id = util.get_project_id()
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/", line 24, in get_project_id
    raise ValueError("env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set")
ValueError: env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set
make: *** [Makefile:366: design] Error 1


The suite=example07-etl demonstrates advance usages of ETL results processing.

# The goal of this design is to showcase (advanced) features of ETL pipelines.
# Unlike in the other examples, we list the ETL pipeline before the experiment definitions.

# There are four experiment designs in this suite that define three shapes (in 4 experiments)
#  each experiment outputs x,y coordinates in a file `coordinates.yaml`
# The ETL pipelines visualize these shapes in different scatter plots.

#  (1) use `experiments: "*"` to avoid listing all experiments
#  (2) use df.X syntax to directly use pandas df transformations:
#  (3) including another complete pipeline
#      (3.1) defined in a suite (current or another)
#      (3.2) defined in a template under `designs/etl_templates`
#  (4) including a "stage" of another pipeline (from suite / template)
#      (4.1) include extractor stage
#      (4.2) include transformer stage
#      (4.3) include loader stage
#  (5) use etl variables in pipeline/stage inclusion

$ETL$:                                                         # Visualization of ETL Pipeline:
  # coordinate pipelines to generate plots                     #   use `make design-validate suite=example07-etl` to see all
  coord_square:    # visualize the square shape                #
    experiments: [square]                                      # ETL Pipeline: coord_square
    extractors:                                                #--------------------------------------------------
      YamlExtractor: {} # by default loads all .yaml files     #| YamlExtractor  ErrorExtractor  IgnoreExtractor | Extractors:
      ErrorExtractor: {} # error stderr.log if non-empty       #--------------------------------------------------    result files to pandas df
      IgnoreExtractor: {} # ignore stdout.log                  #                                                   Transformers:
    transformers:                                              #                        |                             transform df
      - df.sort_values:                                        #                        |
          by: [ exp_name, run, rep ]                           #                        V
          ignore_index: True                                   #
      - df.filter: {items: ["exp_name", "x", "y"]}             #                    df.filter
      - df.eval: {expr: "color = 'black'"}                     #                        |
    loaders:                                                   #                        V
      CsvSummaryLoader: {skip_empty: True} # writing a csv     #                     df.eval
      CoordinateLoader: {} # plotting a scatter plot           #                        |
                                                               #                        V
                                                               #       --------------------------------------
                                                               #       | CsvSummaryLoader  CoordinateLoader |       Loaders:
                                                               #       --------------------------------------          create results, e.g., plots

  coord_plus:   # visualize the plus shape
    experiments: [plus]
    # (3) including another complete pipeline
    #    (3.1) defined in a suite (current or another)
    #    for (3.2) defined in a template under `designs/etl_templates`
    #       we would have to replace `suite` with `template`
    $INCLUDE_PIPELINE$:  {suite: example07-etl, pipeline: coord_square} # show self include

  coord_triangle:   # visualize the triangle shape (combining two experiments)
    experiments: [triangle1, triangle2]
    $INCLUDE_PIPELINE$:  {suite: example07-etl, pipeline: coord_square}

  # In this pipeline we want to use the same pipeline as above (same extractor + same loaders)
  #  but provide a custom transformer stage. Hence, we use the $INCLUDE_STEPS$ functionality.
  coord_all: # visualize all shapes together
    experiments: "*" # (1) use `experiments: "*"` to avoid listing all experiments
      #  (4) including a "stage" of another pipeline (from suite / template)
      #      (4.1) include extractor stage
      #       instead of including a complete pipeline, it's also possible to include a stage, here the extractor stage
      $INCLUDE_STEPS$: [{suite: example07-etl, pipeline: coord_square}]

    # by including all we have a more complex color assignment -> we only include extractors + loaders and provide a custom transformer stage
        # (2) use df.X syntax to directly use pandas df transformations:
        #       (note there are a few limitations: some functions on df require indexes which cannot be defined here -> e.g., see Conditional Transformer)
        - df.sort_values: { by: [ exp_name, run, rep ], ignore_index: True }
        - df.filter: {items: ["exp_name", "x", "y"]}
        - {name: ConditionalTransformer, col: "exp_name", dest: "color", value: {plus: black, square: green, triangle1: blue, triangle2: blue}}
      #  (4) including a "stage" of another pipeline (from suite / template)
      #      (4.3) include loader stage (can replace `suite` with `template` to choose the location)
      $INCLUDE_STEPS$: [{suite: example07-etl, pipeline: coord_square}]

  commands: # a pipeline to write a csv with the commands
      skip_empty: False
    experiments: "*"
    $INCLUDE_PIPELINE$:  {template: config_template, pipeline: config}

  # The idea is that the `commands` pipeline is the same as the `commands_stage` pipeline.
  #  The difference is that here we show wo to import a stage individually.
  #  (4) including a "stage" of another pipeline (from suite / template)
  commands_stage: # a pipeline to write a csv with the commands

    #  (5) use etl variables in pipeline/stage inclusion
    #      It's possible to use variables with the `[% %]` syntax.
    #      In combination with including pipelines or stages, this allows to specify some custom behavior.
    #       (The included pipeline defines a variable with [% %] and then the "including" pipeline includes
    #          `$ETL_VARS$` section to set the values)
      skip_empty: True
    experiments: "*"
      # (4.1) include extractor stage
      $INCLUDE_STEPS$: # include a step from another pipeline (can also be from etl_template)
        - {template: config_template, pipeline: config}

    # (4.2) include transformer stage
    # NOTE THE SMALL SYNTAX DIFFERENCE between inlcuding transformers compared to loaders and extractors
      # could have custom steps before
      - $INCLUDE_STEPS$: {template: config_template, pipeline: config}  # include all steps in transformers
      # could have custom steps after
      #  (4.3) include loader stage
        - {template: config_template, pipeline: config}

# Experiment Designs

  n_repetitions: 1
      n: 1
      init_roles: setup-small
      $CMD$: "printf 'x: [% my_run.x %]\\ny: [% my_run.y %]' > results/coordinates.yaml"
     $FACTOR$: [0, 1, 2]
     $FACTOR$: [0, 1, 2]

  n_repetitions: 1
      n: 1
      init_roles: setup-small
      $CMD$: >-
        printf 'x: [% my_run.x if my_run.orient in ['N', 'S'] else  my_run.x + my_run.dist if my_run.orient == 'E' else my_run.x - my_run.dist %]
        \ny: [% my_run.y if my_run.orient in ['W', 'E'] else  my_run.y + my_run.dist if my_run.orient == 'N' else my_run.y - my_run.dist %]' > results/coordinates.yaml
    x: 8
    y: 5
      $FACTOR$: [1, 2]
      $FACTOR$: ["N", "E", "S", "W"]

  # drawing a square
  n_repetitions: 1
      n: 1
      init_roles: setup-small
      $CMD$: "printf 'x: [% my_run.x %]\\ny: [% my_run.y %]' > results/coordinates.yaml"
     $FACTOR$: [0, 1, 2]
     $FACTOR$: [3, 4]

# drawing individual points to make the square from triangle1 to a triangle
  n_repetitions: 1
      n: 1
      init_roles: setup-small
      $CMD$: "printf 'x: [% my_run.x %]\\ny: [% my_run.y %]' > results/coordinates.yaml"
    x: $FACTOR$
    y: $FACTOR$

  - x: -1
    y: 3
  - x: 3
    y: 3
  - x: 1
    y: 5
Show Resulting Commands
$ make design suite=example07-etl
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 123, in <module>
    suite_design, suite_design_ext = main(
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 42, in main
    prj_id = util.get_project_id()
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/", line 24, in get_project_id
    raise ValueError("env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set")
ValueError: env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set
make: *** [Makefile:366: design] Error 1


The example08-superetl generates dummy data that is used to showcase advanced (super) etil processing.

# The goal of this design is to generate test data to showcase features of the super etl
#  (see `demo_project/doe-suite-config/super_etl/demo_plots.yml`).

# Demonstrate:
#  (1) using a custom jinja filter_plugin `generate_fake_data` to improve the readability of the design
#       see `demo_project/doe-suite-config/designs/filter_plugins/`

  n_repetitions: 1
        n: 1
        init_roles: setup-small
        # (1) The filter_plugin `generate_fake_data` allows formatting part of the command using python code
        #      see `demo_project/doe-suite-config/designs/filter_plugins/`
          main: sleep 3 && printf '[%  my_run.n_measurements | generate_fake_data(my_run.system, my_run.system_config, my_run.workload) %]' > results/performance.yaml
          bg1: echo 'bg1 start' && sleep 1 && echo 'bg1 end'  # Background cmds run
          bg2: echo 'bg2 start' && sleep 50 && cat nonexistent.txt #  -> they are bound to the lifetime of the main cmd (i.e., `nonexistent.txt` is not accessed)
    n_measurements: 5
      $FACTOR$: [system1, system2, system3]
      $FACTOR$: [v1, v2]
      $FACTOR$: [workload1, workload2]

$ETL$: # ensures that stderr.log is empty everywhere and that no files are generated except stdout.log
    experiments: "*"
    extractors: {ErrorExtractor: {},  IgnoreExtractor: {file_regex: ["stdout.log", "performance.yaml"]} }
Show Resulting Commands
$ make design suite=example08-superetl
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 123, in <module>
    suite_design, suite_design_ext = main(
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/design/", line 42, in main
    prj_id = util.get_project_id()
  File "/home/runner/work/doe-suite/doe-suite/doespy/doespy/", line 24, in get_project_id
    raise ValueError("env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set")
ValueError: env variable:DOES_PROJECT_ID_SUFFIX not set
make: *** [Makefile:366: design] Error 1