Source code for

from doespy.etl.steps.colcross.base import BasePlotConfig, BaseSubplotConfig
from doespy.etl.steps.colcross.components import (
from doespy.etl.steps.colcross.subplots.bar_hooks import BarHooks
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from import MyETLBaseModel
from dataclasses import dataclass

from pydantic import Field

import gossip

[docs]class GroupedStackedBarChart(MyETLBaseModel): group_foreach: ColsForEach = Field(default_factory=ColsForEach.empty) """Generate an indiviudal group (of bars) for each unique combination of values found within the given columns. If missing, then only a single group is formed (i.e., no groups). .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Example group_foreach: cols: [col1, col2] # create a group for each unique combination of values in col1 and col2 jp_except: "(col1 == 'A') && (col2 == 'B')" # optional: exclude specific combinations """ bar_foreach: ColsForEach """Within a group (of bars), generate a bar for each unique combination of values found within the given columns. .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Example bar_foreach: cols: [col3, col4] # create a bar for each unique combination of values in col3 and col4 # optional: exclude specific combinations (can also use cols from group_foreach, fig_foreach, etc.) jp_except: "(col1 == 'A') && (col3 == 'B')" """ part_foreach: ColsForEach = Field(default_factory=ColsForEach.empty) """To create a stacked bar, each bar consists of multiple parts. Within a bar generate a bar part for each unique combination of values found within the given columns. In addition, the columns of the ``Metric`` (i.e., $metrics$) will also result in multiple parts. If missing, only the ``Metric`` columns will be used. If the ``Metric`` only has a single column and ``part_foreach`` is missing, then a regular (i.e. non-stacked) bar chart is created. .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Example # the columns under metrics also result in parts part_foreach: cols: [col5, col6] # create a bar part for each unique combination of values in col5 and col6 # optional: exclude specific combinations (can also use cols from group_foreach, bar_foreach, etc.) jp_except: "(col1 == 'A') && (col5 == 'B')" """ bar_width: float = 0.6 """The width of each bar.""" bar_padding: float = 0.0 """The space between bars within a group.""" group_padding: float = 0.1 """The space between groups.""" @dataclass class BarPartPosition: """:meta private:""" group_center_pos: float bar_left_pos: float bar_center_pos: float bar_part_bottom: float def get_cols(self): """:meta private:""" return ( self.group_foreach.get_cols() + self.bar_foreach.get_cols() + self.part_foreach.get_cols() ) def plot( self, ax: plt.Axes, df1: pd.DataFrame, data_id: Dict[str, str], metric: Metric, subplot_config: BaseSubplotConfig, plot_config: BasePlotConfig, ): """:meta private:""" group_ticks = set() bar_ticks = set() gossip.trigger( BarHooks.SubplotPre, ax=ax, df_subplot=df1, subplot_id=data_id, metric=metric, plot_config=plot_config, subplot_config=subplot_config, chart=self, ) for ( part_value, part_error, position, bar_group_id, bar_id, bar_part_id, ) in self.for_each(df1, metric=metric, subplot_id=data_id): full_id = {**data_id, **bar_group_id, **bar_id, **bar_part_id} # print(f"{full_id=}") bar_part_config = subplot_config.artist_config(full_id, plot_config) # TODO [nku] for the printing, it would be nice to be able to generally format this as a tree print(f" {bar_part_config=}") gossip.trigger( BarHooks.ArtistPre, ax=ax, part_value=part_value, part_error=part_error, position=position, bar_part_id=full_id, bar_part_config=bar_part_config, metric=metric, plot_config=plot_config, subplot_config=subplot_config, chart=self, ) # TODO [nku] inheriting a label from the figure legend could be improved if plot_config is not None and plot_config.legend_fig is not None: default_label = plot_config.legend_fig.get_label(full_id, subplot_config=subplot_config) else: default_label = None label = bar_part_config.pop("label", None) if label is None: label = default_label position.bar_center_pos, part_value, width=self.bar_width, label=label, yerr=part_error, bottom=position.bar_part_bottom, **bar_part_config, ) gossip.trigger( BarHooks.ArtistPost, ax=ax, part_value=part_value, part_error=part_error, position=position, bar_part_id=full_id, bar_part_config=bar_part_config, metric=metric, plot_config=plot_config, subplot_config=subplot_config, chart=self, ) # keep track of the labels for each artist if self.group_foreach.label is not None: group_lbl = self.group_foreach.label.apply( {**data_id, **bar_group_id}, subplot_config=subplot_config, info="group_label", ) group_ticks.add((position.group_center_pos, group_lbl)) if self.bar_foreach.label is not None: bar_lbl = self.bar_foreach.label.apply( {**data_id, **bar_group_id, **bar_id}, subplot_config=subplot_config, info="bar_label", ) bar_ticks.add((position.bar_center_pos, bar_lbl)) gossip.trigger( BarHooks.SubplotPost, ax=ax, df_subplot=df1, subplot_id=data_id, metric=metric, plot_config=plot_config, subplot_config=subplot_config, chart=self, group_ticks=group_ticks, bar_ticks=bar_ticks, ) def for_each(self, df1: pd.DataFrame, metric: Metric, subplot_id: Dict[str, str]): """:meta private:""" bar_left_pos, bar_center_pos, group_center_pos = calc_positions( group_foreach=self.group_foreach, inner_foreach=self.bar_foreach, df1=df1, subplot_id=subplot_id, inner_width=self.bar_width, inner_padding=self.bar_padding, group_padding=self.group_padding, ) i_bar = 0 for i_group, df_bar_group, bar_group_id in self.group_foreach.for_each( df1, parent_id=subplot_id ): # TODO [nku] THE logging of id's is not very nice print(f" group_id={bar_group_id}") for _i_bar, df_bar, bar_id in self.bar_foreach.for_each( df_bar_group, parent_id={**subplot_id, **bar_group_id} ): bottom = 0 print(f" bar_id={bar_id}") for _i_part, df_bar_part, part_id in self.part_foreach.for_each( df_bar, parent_id={**subplot_id, **bar_group_id, **bar_id} ): if len(df_bar_part) < 1: continue assert ( len(df_bar_part) == 1 ), f"Dataframe must have only one row to be used as a bar part by columns (df={df_bar_part}) ({bar_group_id=}, {bar_id=}, {part_id=})" error_cols = ( metric.error_cols if metric.error_cols is not None else [None] * len(metric.value_cols) ) for value_col, error_col in zip( metric.value_cols, error_cols, strict=True ): bar_part_id = { **part_id, "value_col": value_col, "error_col": error_col, } part_value = df_bar_part[value_col].iloc[0] if pd.isna(part_value): # print(f"Skipping part_value because it is None") continue part_error = ( df_bar_part[error_col].iloc[0] if error_col is not None else None ) position = GroupedStackedBarChart.BarPartPosition( group_center_pos=group_center_pos[i_group], bar_left_pos=bar_left_pos[i_bar], bar_center_pos=bar_center_pos[i_bar], bar_part_bottom=bottom, ) bottom += part_value print(f" part_id={bar_part_id}") yield part_value, part_error, position, bar_group_id, bar_id, bar_part_id i_bar += 1
def calc_positions( group_foreach: ColsForEach, inner_foreach: ColsForEach, df1: pd.DataFrame, subplot_id: Dict[str, str], inner_width: float, inner_padding: float, group_padding: float, ): # positioning bar_info = [] # [3, 2, 3] -> 3 bars in first group, 2 in second, 3 in third inner_center_pos = [] group_center_pos = [] # the center of each group pos = 0 for _i_group, df_bar_group, bar_group_id in group_foreach.for_each( df1, parent_id=subplot_id ): n_inner_per_group = 0 group_start_pos = pos group_end_pos = pos for _i_inner, _df_inner, _inner_id in inner_foreach.for_each( df_bar_group, parent_id={**subplot_id, **bar_group_id} ): n_inner_per_group += 1 inner_center_pos.append(pos) group_end_pos = pos pos += inner_width + inner_padding # [2, 2.5, 3, 3.5] => 5.5 / 2 = 2.75 # [2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4] => 6 / 2 = 3 group_center_pos.append((group_start_pos + group_end_pos) / 2) pos += group_padding bar_info.append(n_inner_per_group) inner_left_pos = [ x - inner_width / 2 for x in inner_center_pos ] # + self.bar_width / 2 return inner_left_pos, inner_center_pos, group_center_pos