Experiment Results

Result Directory


TODO: discuss the result directory structure

The experiment suite creates a matching folder structure on the localhost and the remote EC2 instances.

Locally, each experiment job (repetition of an experiment run with a specific config) receives a separate folder, i.e., working directory:


  • RUN is the index of the run (starts at 0)

  • REPETITION is the index of the repetitions (starts at 0)

In this folder, we group the involved hosts by host type and have a separate folder for each involved EC2 instance where all result files are downloaded.


  • HOST TYPE is the host type from the suite design

  • HOST INDEX is the index of the host (starts for each host type at 0)

Example: The folder doe-suite-results/example04-multi_1634661802/exp_client_server/run_2/rep_1/client/host_0 contains all result files from the 1st client host, from the 2nd repetition (rep starts with 0) of the 3rd run (run starts at 0) from the experiment named exp_client_server that is part of the suite example04-multi with id 1626423613.

The artifact (code) is executed on the remote machine in the experiment job’s working directory. There are two folders in this working directory: results and scratch. Only the files in results are download at the end of the experiment job to the local machine.



TODO: discuss the ETL pipeline execution

Super ETL


TODO: discuss the super ETL pipeline execution