Source code for doespy.etl.steps.transformers

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Any, List

import pandas as pd
import inspect
import sys

from pydantic import ConfigDict, BaseModel, field_validator

import pandas as pd

from doespy.etl.etl_util import expand_factors

class Transformer(BaseModel, ABC):

    name: str
    model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")

    @field_validator("name", mode="before")
    def set_name(cls, value):
        return cls.__name__

    def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame, options: Dict) -> pd.DataFrame:

        # NOTE: Extending classes should not use the `options: Dict` and instead use instance variables for parameters


class DfTransformer(Transformer):

    def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame, options: Dict) -> pd.DataFrame:

        # TODO [nku] here I could define the different things for the df.x -> at the moment unused

[docs]class ConditionalTransformer(Transformer): """ The `ConditionalTransformer` replaces the value in the ``dest`` column with a value from the ``value`` dict, if the value in the ``col`` column is equal to the key. .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Example ETL Pipeline Design $ETL$: transformers: - name: ConditionalTransformer: col: Country dest: Code value: Switzerland: CH Germany: DE Example .. container:: twocol .. container:: leftside ============ ==== Country Code ============ ==== Germany Switzerland France ============ ==== .. container:: middle |:arrow_right:| .. container:: rightside ============ ==== Country Code ============ ==== Germany DE Switzerland CH France ============ ==== """ col: str """Name of condition column in data frame.""" dest: str """Name of destination column in data frame.""" value: Dict[Any, Any] """Dictionary of replacement rules: The dict key is the entry in the condition ``col`` and the value is the replacement used in the ``dest`` column.""" def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame, options: Dict) -> pd.DataFrame: col = self.col value = self.value dest = self.dest for cur, repl in value.items(): df.loc[df[col] == cur, dest] = repl return df
class RepAggTransformer(Transformer): r"""The `RepAggTransformer` aggregates over the repetitions of the same experiment run. GroupBy all columns of df except ``data_columns`` and ``rep`` column. Afterward, apply specified aggregate functions ``agg_functions`` on the ``data_columns``. :param ignore_columns: List of columns to ignore within group_by condition (apart from repetition column ``rep``), defaults to ``[]`` :param data_columns: The columns that contain the data to aggregate, see ``agg_function``. :param agg_functions: List of aggregate function to apply on ``data_columns``, defaults to ``["mean", "min", "max", "std", "count"]`` .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Example ETL Pipeline Design $ETL$: transformers: - name: RepAggTransformer: ignore_columns: [$CMD$] data_columns: [Lat] agg_functions: [mean] Example .. container:: twocol .. container:: leftside === ==== === ===== === Run ... Rep $CMD$ Lat === ==== === ===== === 0 0 xyz 0.1 0 1 xyz 0.3 1 0 xyz 0.5 1 1 xyz 0.5 === ==== === ===== === .. container:: middle |:arrow_right:| .. container:: rightside === ==== ======== Run ... Lat_mean === ==== ======== 0 0.2 1 0.5 === ==== ======== """ ignore_columns: List[str] = [] data_columns: List[str] agg_functions: List[str] = ["mean", "min", "max", "std", "count"] # TODO [nku] can we remove this transformer by unifying it with GroupByAggTransformer? -> I think we could remove this here and replace it only with the GroupByAggTransformer and include rep in Groupby cols def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame, options: Dict) -> pd.DataFrame: if df.empty: return df data_columns = self.data_columns ignore_columns = self.ignore_columns agg_functions = self.agg_functions if not set(data_columns).issubset(df.columns.values): raise ValueError( "RepAggTransformer: ", f"data_columns={data_columns} must be in df_columns={df.columns.values}" ) # ensure that all data_columns are numbers df[data_columns] = df[data_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric) # we need to convert each column into a hashable type # (list and dict are converted to string) hashable_types = {} for col in df.columns: dtype = df[col].dtype if dtype == "object": hashable_types[col] = "str" else: hashable_types[col] = dtype df = df.astype(hashable_types) # group_by all except `rep` and `data_columns` group_by_cols = [ col for col in df.columns.values if col not in data_columns and col != "rep" and col not in ignore_columns ] agg_d = {data_col: agg_functions for data_col in data_columns} df = df.groupby(group_by_cols).agg(agg_d).reset_index() # flatten columns df.columns = ["_".join(v) if v[1] else v[0] for v in df.columns.values] return df
[docs]class GroupByAggTransformer(Transformer): """ The `GroupByAggTransformer` performs a group by followed by a set of aggregate functions applied to the ``data_columns``. .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Example ETL Pipeline Design $ETL$: transformers: - name: GroupByAggTransformer: groupby_columns: [Run, $FACTORS$] data_columns: [Lat] agg_functions: [mean] Example .. container:: twocol .. container:: leftside === ==== === ===== === Run ... Rep $CMD$ Lat === ==== === ===== === 0 0 xyz 0.1 0 1 xyz 0.3 1 0 xyz 0.5 1 1 xyz 0.5 === ==== === ===== === .. container:: middle |:arrow_right:| .. container:: rightside === ==== ======== Run ... Lat_mean === ==== ======== 0 0.2 1 0.5 === ==== ======== """ data_columns: List[str] """ The columns that contain the data to aggregate, see ``agg_function``.""" groupby_columns: List[str] """The columns to perform the group by. The list can contain the magic entry `$FACTORS$` that expands to all factors of the experiment. e.g., [exp_name, host_type, host_idx, $FACTORS$] would perform a group by of each run. """ agg_functions: List[str] = ["mean", "min", "max", "std", "count"] """List of aggregate function to apply on ``data_columns``""" custom_tail_length: int = 5 """"custom_tail" is a custom aggregation function that calculates the mean over the last `custom_tail_length` entries of a column.""" def custom_tail_build(self, custom_tail_length): def custom_tail(data): return data.tail(custom_tail_length).mean() return custom_tail def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame, options: Dict) -> pd.DataFrame: if df.empty: return df data_columns = self.data_columns # here, we get factor_columns groupby_columns = expand_factors(df, self.groupby_columns) agg_functions = self.agg_functions # To configure size of the 'tail' to calculate the mean over custom_tail_length = options.get("custom_tail_length", 5) # custom agg functions custom_agg_methods_available = { "custom_tail": self.custom_tail_build(custom_tail_length) } for fun in agg_functions.copy(): for method, call in custom_agg_methods_available.items(): if fun == method: agg_functions.remove(fun) # is this allowed while in the loop? agg_functions.append(call) if not set(data_columns).issubset(df.columns.values): return df # raise ValueError(f"RepAggTransformer: data_columns={data_columns} # must be in df_columns={df.columns.values}") if not set(groupby_columns).issubset(df.columns.values): raise ValueError( f"GroupByAggTransformer: groupby_columns={groupby_columns} " f"must be in df_columns={df.columns.values}" ) # ensure that all data_columns are numbers df[data_columns] = df[data_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric) # we need to convert each column into a hashable type # (list and dict are converted to string) hashable_types = {} for col in df.columns: dtype = df[col].dtype if dtype == "object": hashable_types[col] = "str" else: hashable_types[col] = dtype df = df.astype(hashable_types) # group_by all except `rep` and `data_columns` group_by_cols = groupby_columns agg_d = {data_col: agg_functions for data_col in data_columns} df = df.groupby(group_by_cols, dropna=False).agg(agg_d).reset_index() # flatten columns df.columns = ["_".join(v) if v[1] else v[0] for v in df.columns.values] return df
class FilterColumnTransformer(Transformer): """ Simple transformer to filter rows out of a dataframe by column values. Accepts key-value pairs in `filters` option. This transformer is simple for now, only accepts discrete values and does not do any type handling. Options: - filters: dict of filters - allow_empty_result: bool whether to throw an error when the dataframe becomes empty as result of the filter. Defaults to False. """ filters: Dict[str, Any] = {} allow_empty_result: bool = False def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame, options: Dict) -> pd.DataFrame: import warnings warnings.warn( """FilterColumnTransformer is deprecated, instead you can directly use df.query(col == 'A') in the etl definition i.e., transformers: [df.query: {expr: col == 'A'}]""", DeprecationWarning ) filters: dict[str, Any] = options.get("filters", {}) allow_empty_result: bool = options.get("allow_empty_result", False) if len(filters.keys()) == 0: return df if not set(filters.keys()).issubset(df.columns.values): raise ValueError( f"FilterColumnTransformer: filters={filters.keys()}", f"must be in df_columns={df.columns.values}" ) for key, value in filters.items(): df = df[df[key] == value] if df.empty and not allow_empty_result: raise ValueError( "FilterColumnTransformer: resulting dataframe after filters is empty!", "This is probably not supposed to happen" ) return df __all__ = [name for name, cl in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass) if name!="Transformer" and issubclass(cl, Transformer) ]